Artist name: Hiroto
Real name: Ogata Hiroto
Nick name: Pon
Part: Guitar
Age: 22
Birthday: 4. May 1985
Blood type: O
Height: 167cm
Weight: 51kg
Foot size: 26cm
Hobby: Visit famous places in Japan and photographing them(Past),
clothing and watching a movie(Current)
Favorites:Color: Red, gold
Brand: Effect clothes, ADIDAS(Past),
Velvet Lounge, John Lawrence Sullivan(Current)
Artist: NINE INCH NAILS, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Clammbon
Music: Hot Post-Rock music
Manga: DragonBall Z
Drink: O-cha -> Green Tea, Healthya, 100% Peach juice
Karaoke song: Songs from Kinki Kids, hide
Phrase: Ikeru darou? (means: Shall we go?)
Pets: May be a dog? Not sure, cause I only found a old picture where he was holding a puppy.
Perfume: None.
My Boom: Skateboarding and collecting shoes
First musical instrument he learned to play: Acoustic guitar
Childhood hero: Gundam
Sports engaged in: Running
Greatest influence: Hide-san
Strongest point: "I can't lie. Immediately feels heat."
Weakest point: "I can't lie. Immediately feels heat."
Something he'll never give up: He's beliefs and his guitar
Something he currently likes: Collecting shoes
Past bands: BAQUEPIA
Fun Facts:Carried/Lifted Shou up in the backstage during PSC Tour.
Loves everything about stars
Has grown up most in the band
He heard once that a teacher said that they didn’t care about their students, and that broke his heart totally.
Was still in High School when he was in alice nine.
Keeps the energy in the band
He’s the person who will do alot if he can.
He says that when he shouts something to a microphone, his teeth always hits hard on the mic.
Only one in the band to use his own real name.
Ripped off his T-shirt in a live (only the lucky ones have a picture of it! LIKE ME!)
Does the sound effects in the album Zekkeishoku
Credits to
HERENote: This details are not from me so if there's any mistake here, please don't blame me about it. =X